Sunday, January 29, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A portrait of Kurt in chalk

Backlog of some misc freework

United States of Ohio rough designs

An outlook for this semester

Lately I've been exploring the world of 2D design with simple shapes. This semester I plan to focus on this idea with works that illustrate a sense of overall complexity through these basic procedures such as repetitive patterns, recognizable shapes, and overall 2D formatting. Another main concept of this series is that everything will be on a fairly large scale, giving more room for the constant repetition of the small shapes and objects being used. I would really like to explore the notion of the underlying parts and components that make our world tick, such as the basis of electronics, the apertures behind our walls and ceilings, and the production processes we use to simplify our lives.

Here is a preview of the piece I have going, the inside of a desktop computer and its components, far from complete but still quite a few hours into its progress (this piece is originally 5000x4000p but will likely print 50-100% bigger)

(As of 1/18)