Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rotary and T3i

Well I guess I never published the draft that included my T3i camera pictures, but here they are now. I tried to go for a slightly more realistic approach in that I added some gradients to show more depth and the highlights of the camera, but still tried to keep the overall feel that it is supposed to be a piece by piece drawing. I gave areas like the buttons and switches similar colors in order to distinguish them from the main body of the camera since they share common purposes. I'm not entirely satisfied with the lens portion of the camera because I don't get the sense of depth with the small drop where the lens resides, so I will have to change that eventually. Otherwise, the main body is almost finished and I will add in whatever other text and objects that seem appropriate sometime before our critique

Also, my fifth piece of this series is in the works, I'll be adding color and the cord in the next few days. I would really like to focus on the details and depth of this one and contrast it with a simpler modern day phone for my last piece

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