Friday, August 31, 2012

Animatron update 1

I redrew my first piece with a bit more detail and started coloring. Since it is my first real stab at digital painting I am constantly going back and forth between blending modes and brush values trying to decide on what to do. I have been looking online for some help and tutorials and what I've found has helped quite a bit so far. I think I will need to get some real definition down before I can start making some stylistic changes that I'd like to implement, but I think I'm on the right track. I'm beginning to notice that, like regular drawing, this is a very time consuming process, but it seems to be going alright so far. As long as I keep creating new layers instead of erasing it seems to create a more natural transition of color.

Monday, August 27, 2012

the animatron

Very quick sketches of what I've been thinking about doing for this semester.

In keeping with my theme of drawing machines and their inner workings I wanted to introduce some looser drawing to my approach. The pen tool feels very stiff and can only produce so many results even after working it over with filters and whatever else techniques. The direction I want to take with this semester is a bit more surreal and fantastic and the bleak and crisp format of last semester won't accomplish this goal as well.

I would like to do most of the base work through drawing by hand and scanning it into photoshop, only to do some more creative digital painting instead of fill in the space coloring book style of last semester. This is something I've always wanted to try but never really had a reason to up until now. I have done digital painting in free work but have never used a physical stylus and tablet before.

Taking inspiration from the works of Matei Apostolescu, complicated and cluttered yet extravagant, I would like to focus on a possible short story of a man and machine and what becomes of them.  It would be a setting of a future where man is on the edge of dying out and technology is prevailing. A new race of robotics is emerging where man and machine become one, animatrons/androids/cyborgs or whatnot. In keeping with the theme of last semester, I'd like to show the intricacies of how these robots and new animatrons may function by giving detailed, yet gritty and unrefiened representations of a their surreal nature.

Matei Apostolescu works

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

8 bit blast

I didn't work on a lot of shopping this summer, I was too busy reliving my youth in the NES age