Friday, August 31, 2012

Animatron update 1

I redrew my first piece with a bit more detail and started coloring. Since it is my first real stab at digital painting I am constantly going back and forth between blending modes and brush values trying to decide on what to do. I have been looking online for some help and tutorials and what I've found has helped quite a bit so far. I think I will need to get some real definition down before I can start making some stylistic changes that I'd like to implement, but I think I'm on the right track. I'm beginning to notice that, like regular drawing, this is a very time consuming process, but it seems to be going alright so far. As long as I keep creating new layers instead of erasing it seems to create a more natural transition of color.

1 comment:

  1. I would recommend thinking about color and space. For example, the head currently sits on the same plane as the body but you want it to come forward a bit so differentiate the value. Now you may just not be at this stage in the coloring game yet but thought I'd mention it anyways.
