Monday, December 3, 2012

This weekend I took a trip to the Gallery in the Vault of Wooster for my second art related experience. It was actually a pretty neat time because Vault was a gallery and a thrift store. The store was mostly filled with works and crafts pieces by local artists. There were a large selection of pottery pieces available at moderate prices, and the store was having a special on Christmas themed art. They definitely had more art than I was expecting to see, but I was also hoping for a larger gallery in general as it was very cramped inside. I also found out that they did custom framing for any works among a few other art services. It was a nice cozy place that I had no idea existed, but I'll have to stop by again sometime, especially since there were a great amount of cool stores and restaurants on their main street.

I've started the final piece for my series of a large dam obstructing the flow of the water and carving out the surrounding valley. The dam gives off the effect of successfully splitting the river into two and takes a dip of elevation that would otherwise not exist. I really enjoy building this piece because I get to design an original piece of technology with the help of existing images and concepts while still trying to show that our creations are scarring the land around us.

If I learned anything from Keith's interview it was that a little more research into artists couldn't hurt since he sparked such an interest for Piranesi in me. I checked out one of the books displaying his work at the library and was pretty into it. He used fantastic, unreal landscapes and buildings to display his own interest and skill for designing. Throughout this piece I am hoping to show some of the clever architectural prowess that Piranesi had and use it in setting a scene for my own work. It will include designing structures that I have no in depth means of knowing how they function, but placed in areas appropriate for what would seem logical when examining things. Many of Piranesi's pieces were inspired by taking multiple achievements of art and architecture into consideration for another work, similarly I can present my own blend with modern structures and machines.  If this piece turns out well I will plan to make another design instead of a prior attempt.