Monday, September 24, 2012

As I mentioned in my critique, I'm going to be doing a timeline of events with my android series. The sketch I have drawn out will be for the first image in the set. It depicts a car crash from the robot's point of view. It will be saving the female victim, and then helping her to recover through its robot transformation that I worked on in my first sketch.

The artists that I've been looking into this semester have all have had a more new age focus in digital art with more of a technically focused genre. The one that still interests me the most is Matei Apostolescu, his style is so original and unique and covers such a nice field of subjects. They aren't necessarily very deep in the meaning, but his skill is what really catches my eye. I'll most likely want to change what I'm doing halfway through the semester, because even now I feel like I don't like where I'm headed. Once I find something that I really want to do, I'll be able to, I just haven't pinned it down yet. I think with this second piece I will radically change the artistic style of what I was doing previously. I want to present it in more of an stylistic fashion like Matei but still make it my own. 

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