Friday, September 14, 2012

I've started to tone out some of the features in my portrait of this android at this point, and will continue to do so over the next few days. I haven't added any really distinct features or played with the blending modes of each layer, but when I do, each portion should stick out a bit more distinctly. The edge between the grey plating of the body and the flesh will have layer of color emanating and glowing from it to signify some type of radiating energy presence, sort of like iron man, or any type of regulating engine that produces a heat emission. The main focus on this will be showing how the figure is a living thing, but not entirely different from a machine itself. In the near future, I'd like to correlate this relationship with how we are becoming increasingly dedicated to the presence of technology and machinery in our lives. The presence of these objects is not entirely necessary, but we choose to constantly implement them into our lifestyle. More and more we'll vie to depend on technology to keep us going throughout our life, whether it be setting an alarm to wake up by in the morning, or replacing a body part such as an arm or a heart with a prosthetic instrument.

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