Sunday, April 7, 2013

Now this was the second time I'd gotten to go to the Cleveland State University Student Show, and it was even better than when I went on a whim with my friends three years ago. I went during the second week since opening so there weren't too many people hanging out in the gallery with me, but I was also there in the middle of the day on a beautiful Sunday in April so maybe most people just had better things to do. Anyways.... it was still pretty awesome. It was actually far smaller than our own student show in terms of quantity, but I think that the average quality and professionalism of work in the pieces presented was a bit higher than what the Ashland student show permits. And even though they only had around 50 or 60 pieces, some of them were just simply masterful and innovative.  Judging by the pieces presented, they seem to focus on drawing and 2D design more so than our own college, especially because there were a quite a few impressive inked drawings, in color as well as b&w. I think there's just something in an urban environment that kind of peaks people's artistic interests and gets them to try crazy or newer things compared to the more classic approach thats seems to be presented at Ashland. When I took my drawing I course at CSU a few years back, I had a lot of fun just learning from the two professors that taught the class. They would share stories of their commissions and gallery showings that just seemed so extravagant compared to anything I've ever had the chance to experience so far, and I think that if I do manage to become a successful commercial artist, or some type of artist at least, that an urban environment with my more clientele and more artistic influences would be the type of place to settle down in.

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