Monday, October 15, 2012

This needs a bit of cleanup and refinement but this piece is essentially finished. I may add more in at a later point, but I haven't decided yet. I'm getting a good amount of ideas from just examining pictures that have to deal with natural landscapes and then trying to break them down into a format that suits my own. The inspiration for the last two pieces that I drew came from wanting to show a landscape that had been changed by man's touch. Since its difficult to create a landscape without reference, I searched for images of the Grand Canyon for my initial piece since I was focusing on the American for the scene. For my second piece, I decided to show our destruction in another part of the world by focusing on the ocean. For this I referenced images of the Italian and Greek coasts as the Mediterranean sea level has been steadily dropping for the last few decades.The cliffs are aesthetically eye catching when comparing the height differences to sea level. The barren cliffs jutting under the city indicate how global warming and our need for fresh water are lowering sea levels each year. What was once a stunning chain of easily traversable peninsulas is now rough hike with rough waves and undertow below.

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