Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I've just ordered Emmet Gowin's most comprehensive book on his work, Changing the Earth. I chose this book because, besides showing a good deal of his professional work, it talks about why he chose to  go to these specific locations and take these photographs. From the premise, the book sounds quite political in its direction, and I think that while I share many of the views Gowin is going for with his own work, after reading I'll probably realize that his reasons for his art are a bit more deep than my own. In any case, it does discuss the corruption and scarring of the Earth that mankind has been causing over the past few centuries, but I imagine that I'll learn more than I originally bargained for.

My own piece is coming along alright. I've been away from school and class and haven't worked on it as much as I'd like to. As the semester is officially in its second half, I feel the need to try and churn my works out a little quicker than with the laxness I've accepted throughout the first half. Hopefully I'll have this piece done by next Friday, thats the goal at least. After which I'll go back and finish my previous city scape piece.

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