Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Going in a new direction, I'd like to start looking at the topic of man's effect on nature. What I've laid out so far in this first piece is some scenery similar to the grand canyon and a large highway road running right through it. I've got some futuristic telephone type lines following it as well on their path towards civilization. I'm really going towards trying to make a contrast with the rugged, natural forms of nature in comparison with the sleek, smooth forms of manmade technology strewn among it. I would really like the viewer to realize this difference and get the impression that mankind is intruding on the beauty of nature. This depiction goes along similarly with Emmet Gowin's aerial pictures of how the progress of man has scarred the earth forever with its constructions of convenience and methods of plundering the planet for its treasures such as oil or fresh water. Even though he was a photographer, I'd like to share this feeling with the viewer, but in a style more similar to what I've been working with

Apparently I only drafted this on Monday so its late now, great

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