Sunday, November 25, 2012

Most of the info I got back from our critique today was pretty helpful in forming my final ideas for my pieces. As I've put a good amount of work into my latest "train" piece, I focused on it the most during the talk. For one, I need to desaturate some of the colors in the pieces, namely the train itself, the rock bed under it, and something needs to happen with the water as well. There's also a number of basic changes and fixes I need to make including placing the wiring behind the transmission towers and making the gash where the tower fall larger in order to emphasize the destruction of the forest. Another good point that was brought up was to make an elevation change for the forest to follow in order to see the gash for a further amount in the distance; have it follow a mountain or something.

As far as my quarry piece goes, I need to roughen it up a bit. Right now it seems like a play on geometric space, which it essentially is, but it needs a touch of art finesse as well. Obviously I haven't spent as much detailed time on it as some of my other works, but its getting along. It will most likely be the next piece that I focus heavily on. 

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