Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I'd like to use this blog post to talk about one of the artists I've been interested in lately. Will Sweeney is a storyboarding and illustrating artist that uses offbeat colors to portray worlds of fantasy and outlandishness that I first noticed while watching Birdy Nam Nam's "The Parachute Ending" which was designed and produced by Sweeney. With further research, I realized that I had seen Sweeney's work many times beforehand in the past few years, mostly just on the internet, but also for the fact that he draws cartoons and comics in popular media. One thing that really strikes me about Sweeney is his retro style of art direction, the colors and methods he uses are from an age past, but a classic one at that, and the intensity and boldness of his work really jumps out at the viewer. His wide use of fluorescent colors blends well with his 80's palette and often shows off his comic book influenced background. While his work can appear crude, it has a sense of refinery in the way the color and outlines seamlessly blend on very simple surfaces and textures. I'm thinking that for one of my books, I'd like to grab his one of his comic books, "Tales from Green Fuzz"

Below is some of his artwork as well as the fantastic music video for "The Parachute Ending"

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